I Have Decided That Tami Taylor Is Not Here For Your Bullshit


This is a post about TV’s most righteous babe Tami Taylor and her luscious crown of golden waves, but before we get into that I have to get something off my chest. I just scrolled past an ad on Facebook boasting the benefits of wearing, and I quote, “Dress Pant Yoga Pants”. They are essentially yoga pants with belt loops. That said, I hope you’ll be so kind as to excuse me while I lie down and die for a while.

This inevitable Executive Assisant Yoga Pants-induced rage spiral into which I have fallen (much like Alice falling down the rabbit hole except the rabbit hole is filled with thousands of Guy Fieris wearing five finger shoes) can only be broken by a woman like Tami Taylor.. who would never fuck with such a thing as these Synergistic Workflow Yoga Pants because she is too goddamn busy with REAL THINGS. Real things like being a strong independent woman, running a school like an absolute boss, calling Tim Riggins out on his book report bull hockey, helping knocked-up teens make hard decisions, being a ~wife & mother~ and having the best hair in all of Texas and probably the universe.


She has no time to even entertain the idea of wearing Corporate Retreat in Tahoe ‘98 Yoga Pants because she is busier than Beyoncé. She is leaning the fuck in.


And her style? It’s wonderfully Texan (this is how much I know about Texas) in the way that it doesn’t matter what she wears because her hair is a strawberry blonde halo of sunshine and moonbeams, and her way of simply saying “Hey Y'all”, I think, could solve most problems in the world. I haven’t run the numbers on that one yet but I’m fairly confident in my guesstimate.

So here’s to you, Tami Taylor. May your hair always be the highest, may you reign forever as Mrs. Coach and may we always, by way of drunken Friday Night Lights reruns, be able to bask in your freckle-cheeked glory. Clear Eyes, Full Hair, Can’t Lose.


(gif and some photos are from my new favorite tumblr, coachandmrscoach)


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